Tiago Tresoldi’s Home Page

Language & Literature. Evolution. Programming. Etc.

I am a researcher at the Department of Linguistics and Philology of the Uppsala University, developing methods for analyzing the evolution of languages and of text traditions.

My focus is currently the development of methods that facilitate the use of phonological information in linguistic phylogenetics (“phylolinguistics”), from sound correspondences to inferences of sound changes. It is a specialization of different experiences with phylogenetics, including new alignment methods and computational approaches alternative to the more usual Markov Chain Monte Carlo. In non theoretical research, I have worked on questions like phonological evolution in Indo-European, the phylogeny of the Tupían family, and the application of evolutionary methods to the tradition of Divine Comedy. I love programming, mostly using Python but flirting with R, Julia, Nim, and C.

On-going projects

Work experience

University of Uppsala, LingFil (Uppsala, 2021-Present)
Post-Doc Researcher in the “Cultural Evolution of Texts” (CEoT) group

Max Planck Institute, SHH, DLCE (Jena, 2018-2021)
Post-Doc Researcher/Programmer in the “Computer-Assisted Language Comparison” (CALC) group

UFRGS, CAF (Porto Alegre, 2013-2018)
Administrative Assistant

ACIRS (Rio Grande and Porto Alegre, 2005-2013)
Teacher of Italian

Banrisul, USTI (Porto Alegre, 2010-2013)
IT Security Analyst, USTI


Ph.D. in Language / History of Literature (2012-2016)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil
Thesis: O Ulisses dos muitos retornos: uma história do “clássico” (The Ulysses of many returns: a history of the “classical”)

Master in Language / History of Literature (2008-2010)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil
Thesis: A teorização e a prática do romance histórico em “Os noivos”, de Alessandro Manzoni (Theory and fiction of the historical novel in “The Betrothed” of Alessandro Manzoni)

Bachelor in Italian Language and Culture (2004-2008)
ICoN / Univesità di Pisa (UniPi), Italy
Thesis: Utilizzazione di “Hidden Markov Models” ed altri modelli per il tagging dell’italiano (Usage of Hidden Markov Models and other models for the tagging of Italian)

Bachelor in Portuguese & English (2004-2007)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil


The following is a selection of my work. A full list of publications is available here, with the full BibTeX bibliography here.

[1] Cormac Anderson, Tiago Tresoldi, Thiago Chacon, Anne-Maria Fehn, Mary Walworth, Robert Forkel, and Johann-Mattis List. A cross-linguistic database of phonetic transcription systems. In Yearbook of the Poznań Linguistic Meeting, volume 4, 21–53. De Gruyter Open, 2018.
[2] Tiago Tresoldi. O Ulisses dos muitos retornos: por uma história do clássico. Nuntius Antiquus, 13(1):227–251, 2017. URL: http://www.periodicos.letras.ufmg.br/index.php/nuntius\_antiquus/article/view/11761, doi:10.17851/1983-3636.13.1.227-251.


I can be reached at <tiago.tresoldi at lingfil dot uu dot se>. My GitHub account is tresoldi and I can be found on Twitter as @tresoldi.